Balkan Civil Society Development Network ka shpallur Thirrjen për Projekt Propozime “Forcimi i Bashkëpunimit Rajonal për të Promovuar Hapësirën Qytetare në Vendet e Ballkanit Perëndimor ”. Kjo Thirrje është pjesë e aktiviteteve të Hub-it Rajonal dhe synon të mbështesë rrjetet dhe iniciativat rajonale në Ballkanin Perëndimor në përpjekjet e tyre për të nxitur bashkëpunimin rajonal midis
The activity aims to increase the awareness and capacity building of civil society actors on issues related to the country’s European integration and the role that civil society can play in this process. The info session is opened to all civil society organisations, activists, academy etc.
The activity aims to increase the awareness and capacity building of civil society actors on issues related to the country’s European integration and the role that civil society can play in this process. The info session is opened to all civil society organisations, activists, academy etc.
Consultative Meeting with CSOs on Code of Standards
The activity aims to increase the awareness and capacity building of civil society actors on issues related to the country’s European integration and the role that civil society can play in this process. The info session is opened to all civil society organisations, activists, academy etc.