During 7-17 May 2022, the National Resource Centre for Civil Society and Partners Albania organized for the first time the Week of Civil Society in Albania, a series of events and promotion space dedicated to the work and activity of civil society organizations and activists in the country. In line with the European Union’s decision
Presentation of main findings of The Monitoring Matrix On Enabling Environment For Civil Society Development, Country Report For Albania 2020 at Regional Level
CSOs Academy is an annual programme that serves as space for non-formal education to enhance skills and develop competencies of civil society organizations executives in Albania. The unique curriculum is offered through contemporaneous learning methodologies. The Academy is a great opportunity for personal and professional development and for experiences exchange. It has a key contribution in
The National Resource Center for Civil Society in Albania is an initiative of Partners Albania for Change and Development, funded by the European Union, implemented in partnership with the Albanian Center for Population and Development (ACPD) and the European Movement in Albania (EMA). The conference will bring together organizations, networks and civil society activists, as
The National Resource Centre for Civil Society (NRC) in cooperation with the Association Beyond Barriers (BBA) organized on 23 and 24 July 2020 the Networking Event " Volunteerism and Solidarity - Practices, Challenges and Future Developments". The activity follows the work of several months of Beyond Barriers and the National Resource Center to identify and
The activity follows the several months work of Beyond Barriers and the National Resource Centre to identify and assess the problems and challenges that civil society organizations and informal groups face during the implementation of the legal framework for volunteering. This event aims to contribute to the debate on the further development of volunteering in
Lecture on “Providing Public Support and Working with the Private Sector- Fundraising and Philanthropy ”
Lecture on “Financial Management” Participants will be introduced to the importance of Financial Management and Control through which the organization provides sustainability and competitive advantage, budgeting and its importance, the accounting standards and the legal obligations of the NPOs to report to the institutions.
Lecture on “Organizational Management and Development” “Organizational Management and Development” focused on CSOs governance structures, roles, responsibilities, internal organizational policies and procedures, and challenges in organizational management.