Following the consultation process with civil society organizations for the drafting of the “Manual of public participation in the decision-making process of the Assembly” The Albanian Parliament held an on-line meeting in order to present the document which reflected the comments sent by CSOs.
National Resource Centre has been part of this process since and in cooperation with Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM), a few months ago organized a consultation with the participation of 21 NPOs, whose comments and suggestions were sent to the Assembly. We find that some of the suggestions related to the terminology used, the register of petitions, the consultation platform and access as NPOs, the formats of requests to the Assembly, etc. have been taken into account.
Meanwhile, the non-addressing of some issues related to the consultation deadlines, the reflection of feedback and the return of responses, etc, remains a concern. These concerns were brought again by NRC at the attention of Assembly representatives. as part of the meeting with the Assembly. The Assembly will soon share the revised draft
For all CSOs interested in giving their opinion, the MANUAL is still available on the Assembly’s public consultation platform.