
Online Training Programme on “Communications and Social Media: How to get them to know you”

National Resource Centre for Civil Society in Albania is a platform of information and service provision of civil societies in Albania

Online Training Programme on “Communication and Social Media: How to get them to know you”

National Resource Centre for Civil Society in Albania is a platform of information and service provision of civil societies in Albania

Online Training Programme on “Designing & Implementing Crowdfunding Campaigns”

National Resource Centre for Civil Society in Albania is a platform of information and service provision of civil societies in Albania

4th Academy’s lecture on “Financial Management-Budgeting and accounting and reporting to state authorities”

4th Academy’s lecture on “Financial Management-Budgeting and accounting and reporting to state authorities”: focus on financial management and its principles, budgeting and accounting in non-profit organizations, financial statements, analysis and reporting as well as liabilities and reporting in the state.

Online Training Programme on “Designing & Implementing Crowdfunding Campaigns”

National Resource Centre for Civil Society in Albania is a platform of information and service provision of civil societies in Albania

3rd Academy’s lecture on “Organizational Development & Management”

3rd Academy’s lecture on “Organizational Development & Management”: focus on CSOs governance structures, roles, responsibilities, organizational policies and procedures, and organizational management challenges.

2nd Academy’s lecture on “EU integration and CSOs role in this process”

The milestones of EU integration process of the country; the main challenges of Albania in this process; EU funding programmes for aspiring countries; role of CSOs in the EU integration process etc, were some of the issues addressed with the Academy participants.

Training Online Programme on Fundraising

National Resource Centre for Civil Society in Albania is a platform of information and service provision of civil societies in Albania

Training Online Programme on Fundraising: through this programme training participants increase their knowledge on the concepts and importance of fundraising as a financial sustainability tool. They introduce to fundraising opportunities and source of financing from different donors such as public institutions, private sector, EU funding programmes and other foreign donors.

1st Academy’s lecture on “Civil Society Sector Development Trends and NPO Legal framework”

1st Academy’s lecture on “Civil Society Sector Development Trends and NPO Legal framework”: participants have the opportunity to learn on Albanian CSOs legal frame, CSOs organization, functioning and its legal forms; trend of development of the sector, decision making structures and responsibilities within organization internal rules and financial management etc.

Online Training Programme on “Project Proposal Writing”

Online Training on “Project Proposal Writing”