Support to CSOs networks - 2020

Even in this second year of its activity, the Center has continued to provide support for further strengthening the capacities of networks, coalitions and formal and informal groupings of CSOs, through the technical assistance program. Following an open call for expressions of interest, launched in July 2020, 4 networks were selected to assist in furthering their causes, giving priority mainly to new networks.

National Climate Network – newly established, by 9 organizations and groups of young activists, in order to advocate on the issue of Climate Change in Albania. As a new structure, the work within the assistance program is initially focused on the internal consolidation of the network through the drafting of a Strategic Plan for the next two years. Identifying the strategic objectives of the network, program areas as well as the internal organization of members in tasks and responsibilities are just some of the main pillars developed so far in this Plan. In the following, the work with the network will focus on increasing the network capacities in the design and implementation of advocacy and lobbying campaigns, for two of the priority issues identified in the Strategic Plan.

Young Professionals Network – established in early 2020, by a group of professionals from various fields and representatives of civil society organizations, in order to empower young professionals and increase their participation in the economic, political and social life of the country. Even with this network, the Center’s support is focused on increasing and consolidating the internal network, identifying priorities and increasing its capacity for advocacy and lobbying.

Civil Forum Selenica – a formal local organization consisting of civil society representatives, citizens and young activists in the Municipality of Selenica that aim to empower the community by building capacity and promoting active participation in local decision-making as well as in economic and social life. With experience already in successful advocacy campaigns, through the assistance program, the Forum is working on drafting a Fundraising Plan, to further support their advocacy initiatives. Establishing an internal regulation for the human resources policies is also one of the needs that the forum is addressing through the assistance program.

The grouping for the development of volunteering – an informal grouping of several CSOs created as a need to address legal framework issues as well as other issues on the development of volunteering in the country. Created under the facilitation of the Beyond Barriers Association and Resource Centre, the network is working to analyze the existing legal framework and explore successful regional models to be implemented in the country. At the same time, the network is lobbying with relevant law enforcement institutions for an enabling environment for the development of volunteerism in the country.