We, a group of active civil society organizations in Albania, committed to the democratic, social, and economic development of our country and its European integration, call on the institutions of the European Union, EU member states, and other civil society supporters at a time when civil society worldwide, including in the Western Balkans and our country, faces growing challenges that seriously threaten its irreplaceable role and contribution to society.
The significant decline in support from key donors in recent years, including several European Union countries and, more recently, the U.S. Government, has led to the closure of essential programs in critical areas of the country’s development, such as strengthening democracy, protecting human rights, environmental protection, education, socio-economic development, as well as the disruption of services for disadvantaged groups.
The impact of the civil society sector in key areas of the country’s development, which has achieved notable successes in recent years thanks to your support—such as justice reform, investigative journalism, transparency, and public accountability—is at risk of being lost, weakening the positive pressure exerted on institutions and policymakers and endangering the progress made so far.
Fully aware of the state’s role and obligation to ensure an enabling environment and provide financial support to civil society organizations, and given that this support remains insufficient to address the sector’s needs while the funding gap left by the withdrawal of donor support has not been addressed by national institutions, we consider it critical to have a swift and substantial political response and financial support from European institutions and EU member states, to safeguard the progress achieved so far and ensure civil society’s participation and contribution in the design, implementation, and monitoring of reforms.
The suspension of funds has been accompanied by an unprecedented campaign of disinformation, defamation, and politically inspired public attacks against the civil society sector in the country, which have significantly intensified following the Executive Order of the U.S. Administration freezing most American foreign aid. This deeply concerning situation, rapidly spreading across all Western Balkan countries—with the most flagrant case being the police aggression against several civil society organizations in Serbia—is a wake-up call requesting your immediate reaction and support at a historic moment in the EU accession process, where the role, engagement, and responsibilities of civil society are essential.
The EU accession process, which has intensified in recent years, requires even greater civil society engagement—not only to communicate the process and expected changes, but also to represent and advocate for the interests of underrepresented groups at the negotiation tables.
Recognizing your continued support and emphasis on meaningful civil society involvement in the integration process, now more than ever, civil society organizations need the response and support of EU institutions and member states, as unwavering defenders of the principles and values of democracy, human rights, the rule of law, freedom, equality, and solidarity.
List of Civil Society Organizations in alphabetical order:
Academy of European Integration and Negotiations (AIEN)
ACFD – Albanian Centre for Family Development
ACLI-IPSIA in Albania
Act for Society
Albania Community Assist -ACA
Albanian Center for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development
Albanian Center for Population and Development (ACPD)
Albanian Center YMCA
Albanian Coalition for Education (ACE)
Albanian Community Centre “Sot për të Ardhmen”
Albanian Consumer Centre
Albanian Disability Rights Foundation (ADRF)
Albanian Helsinki Committee
Albanian Institute of Food and Innovation
Albanian Local Capacity Development Foundation (ALCDF)
Albanian National Youth Network (ANYN)
Aleance LGBT
ALO 116
ALTRI Center
Another Vision
Arka Youth Center
Association “Progress for All” Librazhd
Association “Useful to Albanian Woman”
Association “Xhubleta”
Association Hope for Us, Vlora
Association LIBURNETIK
Association Multifunctional for Culture, Education and Development
Aulona Center, Vlora
Balkan Investigative Reporting Network: BIRN ALBANIA
Beyond Barriers
Center “Shelter Edlira Haxhiymeri”
Center “With the community for change”
Center “Trokitja”
Center Durrësi Aktiv
Center for Gender Justice in Albania
Center for Social Advocacy
Center for the Study of Democracy and Governance
Centre for Labour Rights
Change and Development Centre “CDC”
Consulting and Development Partners
Co-Plan, Institute for Habitat Developmen
Counseling Line for Men and Boys
Counseling Line for Women and Girls (CLWG)
Different and Equal
Dorcas Aid International Albania
EDEN Center
Emanuel Mission Foundation
Environment, Waters, Forests Përmet
ESN Tirana- Erasmus Tirana Network
European Movement Albania
Free Speech Forum
Global Care Albania
Gender Alliance for Development Center (GADC)
Hand to Hand Against Nation Apathy – H.A.N.A
Help Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V Dega në Shqipëri
Horizon Again
ICG Research
Initiative for Social Change (ARSIS)
Institute For Activism and Social Change (IASC)
Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM)
Institute for Development, Research and Alternatives – IDRA
Institute for Political Studies – ISP
Institute for Strategic Development
Institute of Romani Culture in Albania – IRCA
International Association for Solidarity (SHIS)
iSIGURT.al – The National Platform for Internet Safety
Jehona e Kelmendit
Joscelyn Foundation
Korça Alpin Association
KS Factor Association
Me the Woman Association
National Association For Life – SHKEJ
National Youth Congress of Albania
Nature and Tourism Association Bulqize
Network Albania
New Bridges, Berat
Observatory for Children’s Rights
Open Mind Spectrum Albania (OMSA)
Opportunity Balance and Overcoming
Partners Albania for Change and Development
Peace Volunteering Network
People and Ideas
Pink Embassy
Qendra Burimore e Mjedisit në Shqipëri (REC Albania)
Qendra The Door
Qendra Youth Rights & Citizenship Initiative
Regional Development Agency Vlorë
Roma Active Albania
Roma Gate for Integration in Albania
Science & Innovation for Development (SCiDEV)
SHKIZH Association
“Together for Life” Association
CELIM Albania
Social Contract Institute
Society for Democratic Culture
Streha Center
The Association “Social Center for Helping People in Need” Fushë-Arrëz
The Association for the Preservation and Protection of the Natural Environment Vlorë
Tirana Legal Aid Society (TLAS)
Together Foundation
Trajnerë në Edukim – Trainers in Education
United Nations Association Albania
Vatra Psycho-Social Centre
Voice of Roma
Young Professional Network
Youth Movement for Democracy, Puka
Youth Peer
Youth Voice Network
Women’s Democracy Network Albania