The Centre has continued even in this quarterly to provide support to further strengthening the capacity of networks, coalitions and formal and informal groupings of CSOs, through the technical assistance program. So far, as part of the program the networks have been assisted in:
National Climate Network – internal consolidation of the network through the drafting of a Strategic Plan and the drafting of an Advocacy Plan on the initiative for drafting the climate law in Albania.
Young Professionals Network – drafting a Strategic Plan for network development in the next three years.
Civil Forum Selenica – drafting a Fundraising Plan, in support of their advocacy initiatives and drafting human resources policies.
The grouping for the development of volunteering has continued with meetings and assistance on volunteering the legal framework.
In addition to mentoring and assistance sessions specifically designed based on the needs and priorities of the networks, as part of the training programs, the Centre has also conducted several trainings for member organizations of the networks in project proposals writing and fundraising. For more details on the results and beneficiaries of the assistance program read here.
The Centre continues to cooperate with networks and support them to facilitate communication processes with institutions in the country, other organizations and experts, to address issues in focus of network’s activity.