23 June 2021
Public Appeal
“On the draft law on Registration of Non-Profit Organization”
We, representatives of civil society organizations in the country, have followed with interest the entire drafting process of the new draft law “On the registration of non-profit organizations”, expected to be voted in the plenary session on June 24, 2021. This public appeal is part of our continuous engagement and collaborative efforts in this process.
From more than a year, since the draft law was made public by the Ministry of Justice until its approval by the Committee on Legal Affairs, Public Administration and Human Rights, despite the involvement of foreign expertise, the principles and legal framework of public consultation in the Republic of Albania have not been respected. The approach of the institutions has not been inclusive and enabling to bring together all actors in an open discussion about an important draft law for the functioning of the sector. The communication with stakeholders has been non-transparent, undermining their ability for a meaningful and significant contribution.
We asses that major concerns raised and recommendations given with regard to guaranteeing the freedom of association, have not been taken into account and are not reflected in the draft law published by the Albanian Parliament.
This draft law is expected to be voted with no clarity on the financial costs of the establishment and administration of the electronic register. It is also due to the fact that the institutions responsible for the establishment and administration of the register have not expressed any opinion on this issue. The draft law is expected to be approved without a deadline for the establishment and starting date of the register. All the above set ground for questioning the timing and quality of implementation of this legal initiative.
For us, civil society organizations, the draft law seriously violates the freedom of association, the principle of legal clarity, and that of proportionality of coercive measures. The draft law creates overlapping in coercive measures introduced and double reporting requirements with the existing legal framework. As of the above, the draft law contradicts Law 8788, dated 7.5.2001 “On non-profit organizations” and other laws and bylaws that regulate the activity of the sector, as well as international standards in respect of which we believe Albania is backsliding.
We are aware of the importance of the electronic register, not only as a need to address MoneyVal recommendations, but above all as a fulfilment of the sector’s longstanding requirement that will enable a proper assessment of the role and impact of its work. Any need to address international obligations by the Albanian state, should not infringe the right of the interest groups to be heard and consulted through an effective process.
In these circumstances, we, the civil society organizations, ask the Albanian Parliament to not approve this draft law, and to open a wide and participatory discussion reflecting on the requests and recommendations provided by the sector.
We remain committed to provide our expertise in a redesigned process according to the above principles, but we are also determined to pursue this issue further within the space guaranteed by the national and international legal framework.
(in alphabetical order)
Academy of European Integration and Negotiations– AIEN
ACLI – IPSIA (Albania)
Act for Society
Active Information and Citizenship Network
Agrinas Albania Foundation
Agropuka Association
Albanian Association of Italian Language Teachers (A.P.A.D.I)
Albanian Center – YMCA
Albanian Center for Environmental Governance
Albanian Center for Population and Development (ACPD)
Albanian Centre for Economic Research (ACER)
Albanian Coalition for Education (ACE)
Albanian Disability Rights Foundation (ADRF)
Albanian Forum – Shkodra Lake
Albanian Foundation for Local Capacity Development
Albanian Helsinki Committee
Albanian Journalists Union
Albanian National, Professional, Businesswomen and Crafts’ Association
Albanian Organization of the Order of Malta (Malteser Albania)
Albanian Women Empowerment Network – AWEN
AlbContact Center
Alternative Pro
Antigonea Association – Gjirokastër
ARSIS, Social Organization for Youth Support
Association “Mountain Areas Development Forum”
Association for the Protection of Human Rights
Association of Albanian Municipalities
Association of Paraplegics Shkodra
Association of Persons with Disabilities
Balkan Investigative Reporting Network – BIRN Albania
Beyond Barriers Association
Business Improvement District- Association BID – Berat
Center for Counseling and Psychological Services
Center for Integrated Legal Services and Practices
Center for the Protection of the Rights of the Child in Albania – CRCA
Center for Women’s Roma Rights
Civil Society Development Center – CSDC Shkodra
Community of Pope Giovanni XXIII
Consulting and Development Partners
Contact Art
Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development
COSPE Albania
Council of Social Services Associations of Durrësi district
Counseling Center for People with Disabilities – Shkodra
Counseling Line for Women and Girls
Craftsmen of the North
Diellëza Organization
Different & Equal
Dorcas Aid International Albania
Ecological Club, Elbasan
Environmental Center for Protection, Education and Rehabilitation – (EPER Center)
“Epoka e Re” Youth Center
European Movement Albania – EMA
Faktoje.al Organization
Gender Alliance for Development Center (GADC)
Genesis Center
GO2 Organization for Sustainable Urban Planning
“Gjelbërimi 2000” Association – Vlora
Help the Life Association
Hope for the Future
Hope for the World
Hope for Us – Vlora
Human Dimension Organization
Institute for Development and Civic Initiatives
Institute for Political Studies
Integrimi Association in Tropoja
International Voluntary Projects, PVN
Joscelyn Foundation
Kolping Center
Light Steps Women Centre- Shkodër
“Me, the Woman” Association
Milieukontakt Albania
Missionaries of Social Rights, Kuçovë
Multifunctional Association for Culture, Development and Education
National Association for Integration and Development
National Paraplegic-Tetraplegic Association “Hope and Love”
Natural Resources Development Organization
New Bridges Organization – Berat
No Limits Center
Observatory for Children and Youth Rights
Open Horizon Association
Open Society Foundation for Albania
Opera Madonina del Grappa
Partners Albania for Change and Development
People First Association
Plan & Go Center
Power of Education
Protect Me – Vlore
Psycho-Social Centre “Vatra”
Puka Youth Centre
Ray of Hope Organization
Resource Environmental Center – Albania (REC)
Roma Active Albania
Roma Egyptian Youth Movement
Royal Albania Foundation
SCI – Social Contract Institute
Social Justice Organization
The association “Social Center to Help People in Need” Fushë-Arrëz
The Association “Udhëtim i Lirë – Liberi di Viaggiare”
The Door
The Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM)
The Science and Innovation for Development Centre (SCiDEV)
The Women’s Democracy Network Albania (WDN-Albania)
The youth of Ura Vajgurore
Tirana Legal Aid Society (TLAS)
Together for Roma Integration Association (TIRC)
Trainers in Education
Union of Albanian Producers
Useful to Albanian Women
Voice of Roma in Albania
With the Community for Change – Vlora
Woman in Integration
Woman in Progress Association
Women in Progress Shkodra
Women in Progress Tiranë
Women in Public Service Albania Center
Women to Women
YMCA Shkodër
Young Entrepreneurs Club
Young Intellectuals Hope
Youth Center Arka
Youth Voice Network
YWCA of Albania
Academy of Political Studies
Assist Albania Centre
Association “Refleksione”
Association AKS
Association Alternative
Association Egnatia
Association For Women and Children, Kombinat Centre (SHPGF)
Civil Rights Defenders, Albania
Cooperation and Development Institute
Council of Employers’ Organizations of Albania (KOPSH)
For Social and Environmental Welfare” Berat
Horizont EU
Institute for Policy & Legal Studies (ISPL)
Organisation LIBURNETIK
Urban Research Institute
Young Environmental Experts Association