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European Commission Call for Proposals

Strengthening partnerships to advance social services provision and inclusive employment and skills in Albania/IPA 2019/ Phase II

Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance for Rural Development

The global objective of this Call for Proposals is: to contribute at strengthening municipal and central level capacities to establish and deliver social care services, inclusive employment and vocational education.

Priorities for this call for proposals are structured into two main lots:

LOT 1: Local level partnerships for strengthening the delivery of social care services

The main aim is to establish new or extend existing models of social care services, inclusive education and employability of groups at risk prioritized in the Local Social Plan of the municipality.

The grant scheme under Lot 1 will target the following municipalities: Gjirokaster, Vore, Cerrik, Librazhd, Kavaje, Kurbin, Kukes, Kruje, Pogradec, Korce, Kamez, Vlore, Elbasan, Durres.


LOT 2: Strengthen inclusive and active employment and skills models

The grant under this lot will focus on supporting inclusive employment and skills development for vulnerable groups with a special focus on: young people not in employment and not in education, young mothers not in employment, people with disabilities, and beneficiaries of the cash assistance scheme.

This Lot aims to provide support to 19 targeted municipalities and regional employment offices and vocational education schools/ centres operating: Prrenjas, Gjirokaster, Vore, Mallakaster, Cerrik, Librazhd, Shijak, Kavaje, Kurbin, Kukes, Kruje, Pogradec, Korce, Kamez, Vlore, Shkoder, Elbasan, Durres and Tirane.


The overall indicative amount made available under this call for proposals is EUR 5,500,000

Open till 31/03/2023

Read more on the call HERE