To: Ms. Albana Koçiu, Minister of Health and Social Protection
Subject: On the Assessment of the Roadmap for Government Policy Towards an Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development 2019–2023 and the Drafting of the Roadmap for the period 2024–2027.
Honorable Ms. Koçiu,
We are writing to express our interest and request information regarding the assessment process of the Roadmap for Government Policy Towards an Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development 2019–2023, as well as the drafting and finalization of the Roadmap for the 2024–2027 period.
The creation of an enabling environment for civil society organizations is a fundamental prerequisite and a key measure for ensuring a sustainable democracy in any country. Since 2015, through the Roadmap for Government Policy Towards an Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development, the Albanian Government has expressed its commitment to fostering a supportive environment for civil society. This document, approved every four years, aims to establish the necessary instruments and institutional infrastructure for an institutionalized dialogue and cooperation between the Government and Civil Society.
In 2024, at the request of the Government of Albania and with the assistance of the Delegation of the European Union to Albania and the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR), the process of evaluating the achievements and outcomes of the 2019–2023 Roadmap commenced. The results of this assessment were intended to serve as the foundation for drafting the next strategic document for 2024–2027 .
Preliminary findings from this assessment were presented during a meeting held in June 2024 at the premises of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, with the participation of members of the National Council for Civil Society, representatives of the EU Delegation to Albania, national and international experts from civil society, as well as representatives from the Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organizations in the Western Balkans and Türkiye.
To date, this meeting remains the only public development regarding the assessment of the 2019–2023 Roadmap. Although the finalization of findings and the drafting of the 2024–2027 Roadmap were expected to be completed within 2024, as part of the Roadmap for the Functioning of Democratic Institutions , no information or communication has been made public regarding the progress and outcomes of these processes.
The lack of public information and transparency concerning the assessment of the Roadmap reflects an ongoing concern identified in the European Commission’s Annual Reports on Albania, as well as in the annual assessments conducted by Partners Albania through the Monitoring Matrix on Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development .
We believe that this situation is, among other factors, influenced by the absence of a legally designated structure responsible for monitoring, evaluating, and publicly communicating the progress of the Roadmap.
Considering the above and recognizing the Ministry of Health and Social Protection’s key role in this process, particularly as the leading institution of the National Council for Civil Society, we find it necessary to address the following key issues:
• First, we express our concern over the lack of public information and the exclusion of the non-profit sector from the processes related to the government’s strategic document for civil society. Without a transparent and coordinated approach, there is a risk that civil society organizations will be left without a clear supportive framework, both strategically and financially. Therefore, it is essential to ensure open and inclusive communication regarding the assessment of the 2019–2023 Roadmap and the drafting of the 2024–2027 Roadmap, guaranteeing active civil society participation at all stages.
• Second, the drafting of the 2024–2027 Roadmap should include extensive consultations with civil society organizations from the outset. It should be based on clear and measurable priorities, actions, and indicators that align with the development of the CSO sector, national strategic documents, and Albania’s EU integration commitments.
• Third, the Government must demonstrate stronger political will and commitment in the drafting, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the Roadmap for Policy Development and Measures for an Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development. The level of institutional engagement in ensuring civil society participation and dialogue has been low. The establishment of a legally mandated and dedicated structure to oversee the implementation process of the Roadmap would contribute to transparency, accountability, and regular monitoring of progress. Such a structure should ensure a clear communication mechanism with civil society organizations, support inter-institutional cooperation, and enable continuous consultations to ensure that the priorities and measures defined in the Roadmap reflect the real needs of the sector. Additionally, this process must be accompanied by concrete institutional commitments to guarantee not only a more inclusive approach but also the necessary resources for the effective implementation of the planned measures.
• Fourth, public funding for supporting civil society organizations has historically been insufficient to meet the needs of the communities they serve. With the withdrawal of bilateral donors and the reduction of foreign aid, the financial sustainability challenge has increased, putting at risk the continuity of many non-profit services and their crucial role in the social, economic, and democratic development of the country. In this context, it is essential to strengthen institutional commitment through the Roadmap for Policy Development and Measures for an Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development and ensure sustainable financial resources through the state budget, guaranteeing long-term support for civil society organizations.
Hoping that our request will be taken into consideration, we look forward to your response.
For any further communication regarding this letter, the designated contact point on behalf of the group is the National Resource Centre for Civil Society in Albania, via email: or telephone: +355 4 2254881.
List of Civil Society Organizations in alphabetical order:
Acli Ipsia in Albania
Act for Society Center
Active Mobility
Albania Community Assist
Albanian Center for Family Development
Albanian Center for Population and Development (ACPD)
Albanian Center YMCA
Albanian Disability Rights Foundation (ADRF)
Albanian Local Capacity Development Foundation (ALCDF)
Aleanca Kundër Diskriminimit LGBT
ALTRI Center
All Together for the Integration of Roma
AMAD Center
Association “Useful to Albanian Woman”
Association “Xhubleta”
Association AKS
Association Beyond Barriers
Association Community Papa Xhovani XXIII
Association Hope for Us
Association Me the woman
Association Multifunctional for Culture, Education and Development
Association Peace Volunteering Network (PVN)
Association Ray of Hope
Association Together for Life
Aulona Center, Vlora
CELIM Albania
Center Agency “AJMMI” (Ionian Agency for Environment, Media and Information)
Center Edlira Haxhiymeri Shelter
Center ESN Tirana
Center for Education and Social Advancement
Center for Gender Justice in Albania
Center for Social Advocacy
Center Light Steps
Center Other Vision Elbasan
Center Progress and Development
Center With the Community for Change
Change and Development Center
Civil Rights Defenders, Albania
Consulting and Development Partners/ Arka Youth Center
COSV In Albania
Different and Equal
Durrësi Aktiv
Emanuel Mission Foundation
Environment for Development and Integration Center
Environmental Association Zharrëza
European Center for Legal Services, CELS
European Movement Albania
For the Benefit of the Community Organisation, Elbasan
Free Speech Forum
Gender Alliance for Development Centre (GADC)
Genesis Center
Hand to Hand Against Nation Apathy – H.A.N.A
he Association for the Preservation and Protection of the Natural Environment
Horizon Again
Initiative for Social Change (ARSIS)
Institut for Social Contract
Institute of Romani Culture in Albania
Jonathan Center
Joscelyn Foundation
National Association for Life – SHKEJ
Network Albania
North Green Association
Open Mind Spectrum Albania (OMSA)
Partners Albania for Change and Development
Prosperity with Integrity Center
Qendra The Door
Resource Environmental Center – Albania (REC Albania)
Roma Active Albania
Science & Innovation for Development (SCiDEV)
Streha Center
Tirana Legal Aid Society (TLAS)
Together Foundation
The Albanian Women Empower Network—AWEN
The Association “Social Center for Helping People in Need” Fushë-Arrëz
The Association “Udhetimi i Lire- Liberi di Viaggiare“
Thinking Planning Acting Center (TPA)
Vatra Psycho-Social Centre
Voice of Roma In Albania
YMCA Shkodra
Young Professional Network
Youth Center Trokitje
Youth Movement for Democracy, Puka
Youth Peer
Youth Rights and Citizens Initiatives
Youth Voice Network
Institute for Development, Research and Alternatives – IDRA