CSO Forum “Accountable CSOs for Effective Development Cooperation”

From 3-7 October, CIVICUS’s group of national network organisations (AGNA), celebrated Global Accountability Week 2022. Participants worldwide through online activities learned and lead discussions on “unpacking” and diving deep into the concept of “dynamic accountability”,  and exploring opportunities for building more robust civic space. On the last day of the GAW 2022, BCSDN organized a regional

On the Monitoring of the Roadmap for an Enabling Environment for Civil Society

On June 22, 2022, was held the meeting of the National Council for Civil Society (NCCS). Present at the meeting, in addition to the members of the NCCS and to the Agency for the Support of Civil Society (ASCS) which plays the role of the Secretariat of the NCCS, were also representatives of four organizations

Regional Forum “Human rights and access to information”

Access to information is a human right, is the message of the Regional Online Forum “Human Rights and Access to Information”, held on July 14, which gathered dozens of participants from the countries of the Western Balkans – representatives of civil society, institutions, private sector, donors, academic community, and media – through three panel discussions.

Regional Forum “Youth’s efficiency and resilience during COVID-19 pandemic – today’s perspective in the Western Balkans”

Centers for Civic initiative (CCI) from Bosnia and Herzegovina held on 24th June 2022, the regional forum “Youth’s efficiency and resilience during COVID -19 pandemic – today’s perspective in the Western Balkans”.  The Forum gathered more than 50 participants from B&H, Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, including the representatives of OECD, regional networks,

Regional Forum “The role of an enabling environment in fostering philanthropy and solidarity in times of crises”

Partners Albania and the National Resource Centre for Civil Society held on May 26, 2022, the regional forum “The role of an enabling environment in fostering philanthropy and solidarity in times of crises” The regional event brought together in a virtual meeting about 135 representatives from civil society organisations, networks, public institutions, businesses, and donor

Regional Forum “Access to Services during the pandemic, with a special focus on marginalized groups”

The Kosovar Foundation for Civil Society organized a regional forum on April 29, 2022, with the topic: “Access to Services during the pandemic, with a special focus on marginalized groups.” The goal of this event was to discuss the impact of the pandemic on marginalized groups, the role of civil society organizations and the government’s

Regional forum “Civil society organizations response and adaptability to Covid-19”

On March 29, 2022, the Centre for Development of NGOs (CRNVO) with the facilitation of Resource Centres for CSOs in the Balkan, organized an online regional forum with the participation of over 130 representatives of civil society organizations, regional networks, international organizations, academia, private sector, media, relevant state institutions and other stakeholders from Serbia, Albania,

Online self-assessment tool for CSOs in Albania – standards4npos

The online self-assessment mechanism STANDARDS4NPOs is designed to help CSOs to assess in a qualitative (automatic written suggestions) and quantitative (scoring system) their governance standards; administrative and financial procedures; human resources (hiring/firing/promotion) policies; accountability towards beneficiaries/members; financing, fundraising and resource management; responsible advocacy and partnership building, among many others. It aims to guide the way

Regional forum “COVID-19 impact on the economy with special focus on social economy”

On February 28, 2022, the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (MCIC) with the facilitation of Resource Centres for CSOs in the Balkan, organized a regional forum online with the participation of 70 representatives of civil society organizations, regional networks, international organizations, academia, private sector, media, relevant state institutions and other stakeholders from Northern Macedonia, Albania,

Online consultation with civil society organisations on the priority areas of the 2022 Calls for proposals – Civil Society Facility – Human Rights and Democracy Programme

Consultation with civil society organisations on the priority areas of the 2022 Calls for proposals – Civil Society Facility and Media Programme – Thematic Programme on Human Rights and Democracy The Delegation of the European Union to Albania would like to invite civil society organisations, based on their respective fields of expertise, to give their