Screening Report Albania

The European Commission has published the Screening Report for Albania one year after the opening of negotiations for Albania’s membership in the EU and the end of the first round of meetings. The report highlights Albania’s progress towards the EU, the main challenges in the country and achievements in crucial reforms. Among other things, the


Another People to People regional meeting was held in Tirana by Tasco 3, on March 30-31, 2023 with the theme “EU membership negotiation process: Exchange of experience between CSOs from Montenegro and Serbia with CSOs from Albania and North Macedonia”. The meeting served as an opportunity for representatives from civil society organisations and institutions in


The event was held in Tirana on March 28-29 and welcomed 34 CSO representatives from 6 Western Balkan countries and Turkey. As part of it, representatives of CSOs shared their experiences in working with volunteers, discussed organisational challenges and the legal and regulatory environment in their countries, as well as addressing challenges related to the

Since February 2023 restarted the annual program of the NPOs Academy

The NPO Academy, in its 9th year of organisation, is a consolidated program, one of the most sought after in the sector as it is valued by NPOs as one of the only programs that support the formation of leaders and staff of organisations in all aspects of organisational development and management and beyond. For

For the second year in a row the CSW returns in Albania

Civil Society Week (CSW) is a national annual thematic activity, that includes a series of events and dedicated space to the work and promotion of the activity of civil society organizations and activists across the country. With a series of events held by civil society organisations across the country, between 29 May-3 June 2023, Civil

National Resource Center for Civil Society in Albania, throughout 2022!

We are pleased to share with you a summary of the results of the work of the National Resource Center for Civil Society in Albania, throughout 2022. This year has brought novelties in programs and activities provided to the sector, creating a more diverse portfolio of services in response to sector’s needs. Since 2019 onwards,

European Commission Call for Proposals

Strengthening partnerships to advance social services provision and inclusive employment and skills in Albania/IPA 2019/ Phase II Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance for Rural Development The global objective of this Call for Proposals is: to contribute at strengthening municipal and central level capacities to establish and deliver social care services, inclusive employment and vocational education. Priorities

Public Consultation with Civil Society Organisations on the preparation of the Civil Society Facility and Media Programme 2024-2025

The EU Delegation to Albania would like to consult CSOs on the needs of civil society and media in Albania. Below some guiding questions for your contributions: In your views, which are the priority sectors or important topics that should be included in the upcoming calls for proposals of the IPA Civil Society Facility and

BCSDN Annual Background Analysis: WBT Civil Society in the New Geopolitical Reality

For the 13th consecutive time, Balkan Civil Society Development Network has prepared an analysis of the annual European Commission Enlargement Package 2022, assessing the progress made in the area of civil society development and dialogue with public institutions in Enlargement countries against the Monitoring Matrix on Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development. Read more

Opening of EU membership discussions – involving civil society actors in the main structures and stages of the negotiation process

The workshop organized in Tirana is the first of a series of workshops that will be organized throughout the country by the European Movement in Albania and the National Resource Centre for Civil Society. The aim of the workshops is to inform CSOs about the negotiation process, negotiation structures and opportunities for CSO involvement in