Consultation meeting with CSOs on “Manual of public participation in the decision-making process of the Assembly”

Following the commitment to facilitate the consultation process with the sector, after the announcement for public consultation of the “Manual of public participation in the decision-making process of the Assembly” by the Assembly of the Republic of Albania, National Resource Centre for Civil Society and the Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM) organized a consultation

Important notice for non-profit organizations – Registration of beneficiary owners!!!

Pursuant to  Law no. 112/2020  and  DCM no. 1088, dated 24.12.2020 , we bring to your attention that any existing reporting entity, non-profit organization, registered with the Court and tax authorities and identified with the NIPT, must register the beneficiary owner/owners in the Register of Beneficiary Owners (RPP). According to Article 15 of the Law, the Ministry of Finance and

On Volunteerism and its further development in Albania

The National Resource Centre in cooperation with Beyond Barriers has continued to work during these months to identify the problems and challenges that informal organizations and groups face during the implementation of the legal framework for volunteering. Following meetings with CSOs and institutions responsible in the country for the implementation of the legal framework, an

Call for applications for the NPO Academy 2021

NPOs Academy is a non-formal education space for enhancement of skills and development of competences of CSOs executives in Albania through a unique curriculum, up to date learning methodology and diverse professional expertise. During the five years of implementation more than 108 NPOs executives and high managers benefited knowledge and practical skills, cooperation, networking and

National Conference of Civil Society in Albania

On December 4, 2020, the National Resource Center for Civil Society in Albania organised the National Conference of Civil Society in Albania. The conference brought together over 130 representatives of civil society organizations, networks and civil society activists, as well as representatives of state institutions, donors and international organizations, to discuss issues related to the

Strengthening CSO networks and coalitions in Albania for more initiatives and greater impact

The Centre has continued even in this quarterly to provide support to further strengthening the capacity of networks, coalitions and formal and informal groupings of CSOs, through the technical assistance program. So far, as part of the program the networks have been assisted in: National Climate Network – internal consolidation of the network through the

Study Visits of the NPO Academy 2020 participants

This year of the NPO Academy 2020 brings us to virtual meetings and introductory visits to important public and private institutions. As part of Academy visits, participants had the opportunity to discuss with representatives of: ONE Telecommunications , Mrs. Sibel Pipa and Mr. Verdi Norja, the support and contribution that provides to CSOs for their

The Graduation Ceremony of the NPO Academy 2020 participants

The closing of the NPO Academy program, culminates with the graduation ceremony that this year was held on December 20, 2020. Although under the anti-Covid-19 measures, participants now Alumni, got together to crown a year of efforts and investment in increasing their individual knowledge as well as further organizational consolidation of their organization. During the

National Conference of Civil Society in Albania 2020-Summary Document

Following the National Conference of Civil Society, held on December 4, 2020, the Conference Summary Document with the main discussions and recommendations. The Conference brought together, in a virtual meeting, about 135 representatives from civil society organizations, networks and activists, as well as representatives from the donor community and international organizations in the country, to

The Law “On the central register of bank accounts”

From January 2021 entered into force the Law “On the central register of bank accounts”. The main subject of the law is the financial institutions, but it has a direct effect on all legal entities, including NPOs. In October 2020, after been informed about the draft law and getting acquainted with it, in cooperation with