BCSDN Background Analysis of the European Commission Enlargement Package 2021

BCSDN has prepared an analysis of the annual European Commission Enlargement Package, assessing the progress made in the area of civil society development and dialogue with public institutions in Enlargement countries. The background analysis is set against BCSDN’s Monitoring Matrix on Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development. According to the analyse, the detailed reports aim

P2P Event: The Role of the Civil Society in the EU Accession Process

On October 26, 2021, EU TACSO 3 organized a two-day event on the Role of Civil Society in the EU Accession Process. Representatives from civil society organizations, state institutions, European Union Delegations from the region, DG NEAR, international organizations and experts, attended the event and discussed the mechanisms for involving CSOs in the EU accession

The European Commission has published the 2021 Enlargement Package!

The Albanian 2021 Report highlights that limited progress has been made on the implementation of the roadmap on an enabling environment for civil society. The adoption of the Law on registration of Non Profit Organisations brings some improvements. The National Council for Civil Society remains weak and should be reformed to provide for appropriate representation

Regional Community Resilience Forum

On 20-21 October, 2021, TACSO 3 organized in Belgrade, the Regional Forum “Community Resilience”, with the participation of 117 representatives of community foundations, grassroots, CSOs providing grants and capacity building for grassroots, representatives of the DG NEAR and Delegations from the region, donors, experts and other stakeholders in the area of civil society development in

8th Western Balkans Civil Society Forum

The European Economic and Social Committee—EESC organised its 8th Western Balkans Civil Society Forum in Skopje on 30 September 2021 and 1 October 2021. Forum brought together approximately 100 participants, including a broad range of civil society representatives from the EU and the Western Balkans, as well as representatives of EU institutions, international organisations and

Introductory and informative meeting between civil society representatives and the new Chair of the Committee on Legal Affairs, Public Administration and Civil Human Rights

On October 1st, Ms. Klotilda Bushka, in the capacity of Chairwoman of the Committee on Legal Affairs, Public Administration and Human Rights, in the framework of cooperation with civil society, organized an informative meeting with organizations that cooperate with the Committee on Legal Affairs, Public Administration and Human Rights, part of the electronic register of

Training program “Fiscal framework for NPOs – VAT refund procedure”

Based on the large number of the requests and the high interest from civil society organizations for information and assistance related to some aspects of the fiscal framework and in particular on the VAT refund procedure, on September 28, 2021 we developed a training program on this topic. About 30 representatives of civil society organizations

Press release of the High Judicial Council

The High Judicial Council has issued a press release in which is expressed its position regarding the obligations created by Law no. 80/2021 “On the registration of non-profit organizations” in general and in particular by the article 52/3, which requires within 30 August 2021, the setting of the date for the functioning of the NPOs

National Consultation and Validation Meeting on the CSOs Needs Assessment in the Western Balkans of TACSO 3

On 10 September, EU TACSO 3 in partnership with the EU Delegation and the National Resource Center, organized the online meeting “National Consultation and Validation Meeting on the EU Civil Society Guidelines 2020 Assessment Report (EUCSG) for Albania “. The meeting was a part of a larger program held in six Western Balkans countries and

Code of Standards for NPOs in Albania and its developing experience, part of the journal of the Global Standard on CSOs Accountability

Partners Albania and the National Resource Centre, as the initiator and facilitator of the drafting process of the Code of Standards for NPOs in Albania, had the pleasure to be part of the latest edition of the Global Standard for CSO Responsibility newspaper. The Global Standard for CSO Accountability is a standards reference model, created