Introductory meeting for the annual report of the Monitoring Matrix on the Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development, Country Report for Albania 2020

On July 7, 2021, Partners Albania for Change and Development and the National Resource Centre for Civil Society presented in a virtual meeting, the annual report of the Monitoring Matrix on the Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development, 2020. In the eighth year of its preparation, the report presents an analysis of the enabling environment

Regional and Global Reflections on CSO Accountability in the Balkans

On 1st July 2021, BCSDN held a regional workshop on CSO Accountability: “Reflections on the Self-Regulation of Civil Society by Sharing Regional and Global Experiences”. The event was followed by more than 60 CSOs representatives from the Balkans and across the world, who virtually discussed and shared examples of the CSO accountability practices and self-assessment

Code of Standards for non-profit organizations in Albania: A self-regulatory practice for good governance, transparency and accountability of the non-profit sector

CODE OF STANDARDS FOR NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS IN ALBANIA A SELF-REGULATORY PRACTICE FOR GOOD GOVERNANCE, TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY OF THE NON-PROFIT SECTOR After an active process of almost two years of consultation and cooperation between civil society organizations throughout the country, we are pleased to announce the establishment of the Code of Standards (CS) for Non-Profit

The Assembly approves the Draft Law “On the Registration of Non-Profit Organizations”

On June 24, in the plenary session of the Albanian Parliament, the Draft Law “On the Registration of Non-Profit Organizations” was approved, despite the resistance of civil society organizations and the public appeal not to approve the draft law and to open a wide-ranging discussion in response of requests and recommendations received from the civil

Public Appeal “On the draft law on Registration of Non-Profit Organization”

23 June 2021 Public Appeal “On the draft law on Registration of Non-Profit Organization” We, representatives of civil society organizations in the country, have followed with interest the entire drafting process of the new draft law “On the registration of non-profit organizations”, expected to be voted in the plenary session on June 24, 2021. This

Online meeting for the presentation of the draft -“Manual of public participation in the decision-making process of the Assembly”

Following the consultation process with civil society organizations for the drafting of the “Manual of public participation in the decision-making process of the Assembly” The Albanian Parliament held an on-line meeting in order to present the document which reflected the comments sent by CSOs. National Resource Centre has been part of this process since and

Consultation meeting with the Agency for Civil Society Support (ASCS) on the Roadmap 2019-2023

Agency for Civil Society Support – ASCS with the support of the Office of the Prime Minister and the assistance of the representatives of the European Union delegation is organizing several meetings with CSOs in the framework of an awareness campaign that is developing for the Roadmap 2019-2023 and its promotion. The first meeting was

Online Training Programs on “Fiscalization”

For all civil society organizations! From January 1, 2021, the implementation of Law no. 87/2019 "On the Invoice and the turnover monitoring system". From 1 July 2021, all invoices that will be issued and received among taxpayers (including NPOs), will have to be Electronic Invoices and exchanged ONLY through the Central Invoice Platform. We bring

Exchange of experience with organizations from the region on the establishment and development of self-regulatory and accountable mechanisms for the non-profit sector

The work of the Center for the Promotion of the Code of Standards in the region continues as a self-regulatory mechanism for increasing the transparency, accountability and good governance of the non-profit sector in order to increase the effectiveness of CSOs activities and the trust of stakeholders. Under the coordination of the Macedonian Center for

The Regional Conference “Green Economy and Sustainable Development”

On May 27-28, 2021, the EDEN Center held the regional online conference “Green Economy and Sustainable Development”, organized with a series of panels and discussions by participants from all Western Balkan countries. About 30 panelists in the two-day conference sessions shared their insights and experience and discussed the involvement of CSOs in the transition to