Fusha e shërbimeve që ofron organizata juaj
Kërkim / Studim
Ndërmjetësim dhe zgjidhje konflikti
Shërbime Sociale
Shërbim Ligjor
Terapi dhe këshillim psikologjik
Shërbime dhe këshillim shëndetësor
Founded in 1993, Albanian Rehabilitation Centre for Trauma and Torture (ARCT) represents a non-for-profit, non-political and non-governmental organization, designing and implementing programs which aim at “contributing in building a democratic society without use of torture and social justice in a country where strong political persecution has been seen for a long, almost 50 years period of the 20th century”. With a consolidated Rehabilitation Component (on behalf of the support to former political prisoners), ARCT has expanding the Torture prevention programs in all places of deprivation of liberties: police commissariats, prisons and pre- detention places, psychiatric hospitals, asylum and detention centers, providing assistance and a window of opportunities on behalf of the Victims.
Fusha e shërbimeve që ofron organizata juaj
Kërkim / Studim
Ndërmjetësim dhe zgjidhje konflikti
Shërbime Sociale
Shërbim Ligjor
Terapi dhe këshillim psikologjik
Shërbime dhe këshillim shëndetësor