11th Academy’s lecture on Strategic communication for NPOs – through this lecture participants increased their knowledge on effective communication, engaging audiences aiming at providing and increasing the number of supporters for their programs. The session focused on providing practical models of using public, private, social media, and knowledge of effective communicating techniques.
10th Academy’s lecture on Participatory Governance – through this lecture participants increased their knowledge on participatory policy-making and decision-making tools and mechanisms.
9th Academy’s lecture on Advocacy and Lobbying – through this lecture participants increased their knowledge on how to use advocacy as a tool to influence decision makers on the issues that they want to address in the community where they work and/or live.
8th Academy’s lecture on Ensuring public support and working with the private sector -Fundraising and philanthropy – through this lecture participants increased their knowledge on the concepts and importance of fundraising as a financial sustainability tool. They were introduced to fundraising opportunities and source of financing from different donors such as public institutions, private sector,
Program trajnimi një ditore online mbi “Kuadri fiskal për OJF-të – Procedurat e rimbursimit e VAT”
7th Academy’s lecture on “Mobilization of constituency, networking and coalition building”: on the network and coalition concepts, its advantages and models, organizing and functioning models, role and members’ responsibilities’, communications among members, ethics and conflict management between partners and members etc
Partnerët Shqipëri për Ndryshim dhe Zhvillim dhe Qendra Kombëtare Burimore për Shoqërinë Civile kanë kënaqësinë t`Ju ftojnë më datë 7 korrik, 2021, ora 10:00, ONLINE në ZOOM, në prezantimin e raportit vjetor të Matricës së Monitorimit të Mjedisit Mundësues për Zhvillimin e Organizatave të Shoqërisë Civile 2020. Në vitin e tetë të realizimit të tij, raporti 2020 paraqet një