
6th Academy’s lecture on “Strategic Planning”

6th Academy’s lecture on “Strategic Planning”: the lecture serves as a guide to participants to further understand the role and importance of strategic planning for the organization; get to know the benefits this process brings to the organization and become familiar with the process of developing a strategic plan including steps of plan development and

5th Academy’s lecture on “Proposal writing and EU project management”

5th Academy’s lecture on “Proposal writing and EU project management”: focus on EU funding application format such as the format that requires specific knowledge to complete it and will familiarize with the specifics of the project management cycle by analyzing the challenges and making recommendations to overcome these difficulties.

Online Training Programme on “Communications and Social Media: How to get them to know you”

National Resource Centre for Civil Society in Albania is a platform of information and service provision of civil societies in Albania


Online Training Programme on “Impact Measurement and Evaluation”

National Resource Centre for Civil Society in Albania is a platform of information and service provision of civil societies in Albania


Online Training Programme on “Impact Measurement and Evaluation”

National Resource Centre for Civil Society in Albania is a platform of information and service provision of civil societies in Albania


Online Training Programme on “Communication and Social Media: How to get them to know you”

National Resource Centre for Civil Society in Albania is a platform of information and service provision of civil societies in Albania

4th Academy’s lecture on “Financial Management-Budgeting and accounting and reporting to state authorities”

4th Academy’s lecture on “Financial Management-Budgeting and accounting and reporting to state authorities”: focus on financial management and its principles, budgeting and accounting in non-profit organizations, financial statements, analysis and reporting as well as liabilities and reporting in the state.

Leksioni i 3-të i Akademia e OJFve 2021 -“Zhvillimi dhe Manaxhimi Organizativ”

 Leksioni3 -“Zhvillimi dhe Manaxhimi Organizativ” u fokusua në strukturat qeverisëse të OSHC-ve, rolet, përgjegjësitë, politikat, procedurat dhe sfidat në menaxhimin organizativ.

Leksioni i 2-të i Akademisë mbi “Anëtarësimi në Bashkimin Evropian dhe roli i OJF-ve në këtë proces”

Momentet kyçe të procesit të integrimit të vendit në BE; sfidat kryesore të Shqipërisë në këtë proces; fondet e BE për vendet aspiruese si dhe roli i OSHC-ve në procesin e integrimit etj, ishin disa nga çështjet e trajtuara gjatë këtij sesioni.

Online Training on “Storytelling and Public Speaking”

Online Training on “Storytelling and Public Speaking”